Print form

Registration form

Fatal claims and the victims of crime

   1 person - member/accredited firm: £85 + VAT
   1 person - non-member: £115 + VAT
   Small office (2-6 people): £150 + VAT
   Large office (7 people or more): £185 + VAT
   Whole organisation (All staff at all offices): £375 + VAT

Important information
CPD points will be awarded ONLY to the number of people who registered and viewed the seminar. A CPD signing list will be sent to each registered main contact after the webinar via e-mail. An acknowledgement of the booking will be sent via e-mail, together with the relevant log-in details.

Name   APIL no.  
Firm   Address  
Please note that acknowledgement letters and final instructions will now be sent by e-mail
Tel   Fax  
Technical contact email address  
I enclose a cheque for £ payable to APIL
Please charge my credit/debit card with the amount of £
My card number is:        
Name on card   Valid date   Expiry date  
Address     Security code  

By registering for this event, you are confirming that you have accepted APIL’s terms and conditions which can be found at

Please return your completed form to: APIL, 3 Alder Court, Rennie Hogg Road, Nottingham, NG2 1RX
Tel: 0115 943 5400 | Fax: 0115 958 0885 | Email: [email protected]