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13 July 2023

APIL president: reform to law on bereavement damages long overdue

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APIL’s campaign for reform of the law on bereavement damages continues as the association’s president highlights the issues for insurers, brokers, lawyers and other claims professionals in this month’s issue of Modern Insurance Magazine.

In his first column for the magazine’s Associations Assemble section, Jonathan Scarsbrook covers the archaic list of relatives who are eligible for statutory compensation and why it must change.

“APIL members often bear the burden of telling bereaved relatives that their relationship to a loved one is not recognised by the law on statutory bereavement damages,” he wrote.

“Bereavement damages is a key campaign issue for APIL. We continue to highlight these issues with parliamentarians and the public alike. Reform is long overdue.”

Members can read the full article here.

As part of the campaign on bereavement damages, APIL produced a short firm with Sabiha, who lost her father to clinical negligence and was not eligible for statutory bereavement damages despite their loving relationship.

Members can watch the full interview on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. It is also easy to download and share from Vimeo. Members are encouraged to share the video on social media, and help to spread the message on the need for reform.

Further issues with police disclosure

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Following last week’s call for examples relating to police disclosure, APIL is aware that members are receiving a response from police forces stating that:

"Due to a recent change in NPCC policy and legislation that is currently under review nationally, [forces] are unable to disclose any information relating to collisions."

APIL is working to raise the issue with the relevant police organisations, and a co-ordinated approach from the APIL membership would assist with this.

If you have received a response in line with the above from a police force, please contact Alice Taylor, APIL’s legal policy manager, at [email protected]

Special discount scheme launched for members

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APIL members can benefit from exclusive discounts on professional services through the preferred suppliers scheme, which is now live.  

Lockton’s Insurance Brokers can provide quotes for professional indemnity insurers to accredited members, along with other insurance services.

Think CBT is one of the largest providers of cognitive behavioural therapy, with more than 400 expert clinicians, and is now providing discounts to members.

More exclusive discounts from suppliers will become available soon. Keep an eye on the preferred suppliers directory here

Views sought on injuries advisory council

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Proposals for a new employment injuries advisory council (SEIAC) in Scotland are the subject of a fresh call for views.

The Social Justice and Social Security Committee of the Scottish Parliament has asked for views as it begins scrutiny of the Scottish Employment Injuries Advisory Council Bill. The legislation was introduced into the Scottish Parliament last month by Mark Griffin of the Scottish Labour Party.

If established, the SEIAC would ‘provide expertise about support for people who can no longer work because of workplace injury or disease’. It would also be required to scrutinise the new employment injuries assistance (EIA) benefit, which will replace the industrial injuries disablement benefit in Scotland. In addition, the council would also investigate and review emerging employment hazards which result in disease or injury.  

APIL has previously given its support for the council, and a response to the Social Justice and Social Security Committee is now under consideration. The deadline for the call for views, which can be read here, is Monday 11 September.

PI Focus out now

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July’s issue of PI Focus is on its way to members. Read the online version here.

This month’s special focus is on the importance of experts in personal injury cases. Barristers Sarah Prager KC and Dominique Smith report on cross-border clinical negligence claims, solicitor Jon Andrews offers some practical pointers on instructing experts, and two experts share their views on what they want when receiving instructions from solicitors.

Other highlights include:

Family values
Achieving funding for family therapy in brain injury cases

Fixed outcome
The impact of extended fixed recoverable costs

Taking care
Looking after victims of a maternity scandal

Online conversations this week

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