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11 January 2024
Fatal cases need removing from clinical negligence costs regime
APIL has pressed the Government to exclude all fatal cases from the upcoming fixed recoverable costs scheme for clinical negligence claims valued up to £25,000.
Government update on IICSA recommendations
Options for reform of the limitation period in child sexual abuse cases will be consulted on 'shortly', the home secretary has announced.
Court fee increases must not create barriers to justice
Plans to increase 202 court and tribunal fees must not restrict justice to only those who can afford it, APIL has said.
Peers to debate automated vehicles compensation
An amendment to a bill to make it easier for people injured by automated vehicles to claim compensation will be considered by peers.
Four vacancies on executive committee
Nominations are now open for four vacant officer positions on the APIL executive committee.
Concerns over Consumer Credit Act reform
APIL has met with HM Treasury to discuss its concerns on the Government's plan to reform the Consumer Credit Act and replace it with Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) rules.
Spotlight on rehabilitation, reforms, and 'lost years' in your member magazine
The growing disparity between the number of people injured due to negligence and the number of claims is examined in the latest issue of PI Focus.
CPRC consultation on simplifying the rules
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CRPC) has published another consultation aimed at simplifying the rules.
Online conversations this week
New topics on the APIL members' online discussion forum.
Welsh members' views needed on road safety
Views are being sought by the Welsh Government on how to improve road safety for all types of road users.
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