The Paralympics was pivotal in changing perceptions about injured people across the world. Here in the United Kingdom we are more open...
There are massive changes afoot to the way an injured person receives compensation, and yet the public remains blissfully unaware. Unless...
Chaos theory dictates that the flap of a butterfly’s wings on one side of the world could lead to a hurricane on the other. Sometimes,...
So, you’ve had an accident. You’ve been injured. You can’t work for a while, and you are self employed so you can’t earn any money. It’s a...
Many of us work hard with the hope of enjoying a long, healthy retirement. However, for the many unfortunate people who were exposed to...
As the Mail on Sunday starts its campaign to eradicate whiplash claims, it is worth taking a moment to reflect on what they say. Lawyers...
Health and safety regulation gets a bad press. Businesses complain about the burden it places upon them, and Prime Minister David Cameron...