A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

Injury lawyer details for Oonagh McClure

Injury lawyer - Injury lawyer details for Oonagh McClure

Tel: 07912 480701

[email protected]

Accident at work
Accidents & illnesses abroad
Asbestos related diseases
Back injury
Beauty treatment
Brain injury
Clinical negligence
Defective products
Fatal accident
Head injury
Occupational disease/illness
Road accident
Spinal cord injury
Sport injury
Trip or slip

Injury lawyer - fellow

About Oonagh McClure

Oonagh McClure is a Senior Asbestos and Medical Negligence Solicitor and managing partner at Thompsons Solicitors NI.

Working from the Belfast office, Oonagh specialises in asbestos, serious injury and medical negligence claims. 

Oonagh has dealt with medical negligence cases including cerebral palsy claims, birth injury claims, misdiagnosis claims and hospital negligence claims. She also deals with high-complex compensation claims for asbestos-related diseases.

Prior to the introduction of The Damages (asbestos relation conditions) (NI) Act 2011, Oonagh gave evidence on the impact of living with pleural plaques before the Stormont Committee. This helped secure the right to pursue compensation for people diagnosed with the disease.

Oonagh is a Fellow of The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers and the Northern Ireland board member of The Pan European Organisation of Personal Injury Lawyers. She is also a member of the Spinal Injuries Association, the Belfast Solicitors Association and Action Against Medical Accidents.

APIL membership: Legal Practitioner  - What does this mean?

APIL accreditation: Fellow

Other memberships: Action Against Medical Accidents (AvMA), Headway - The brain injury association, Spinal Injuries Association (SIA)

Languages: English/French

Headway solicitor

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Oonagh McClure
6 Mill Street
County Down
BT23 4LU
Tel: 07912 480701