A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

Injury lawyer details for Rebecca Huxford

Injury lawyer - Injury lawyer details for Rebecca Huxford

Tel: 020 7822 8000

[email protected]

Accidents & illnesses abroad
Brain injury
Fatal accident
Head injury
Road accident
Spinal cord injury

Injury lawyer - senior litigator
Accidents abroad specialist lawyer

About Rebecca Huxford


Rebecca is a Senior Associate at Stewarts representing clients following serious international accidents, including UK residents injured overseas and foreign nationals who sustain serious injuries in the UK. Rebecca has extensive experience in running serious injury claims, with a particular focus on ensuring her clients have quick access to rehabilitation and interim payments, where possible.


Since joining Stewarts in 2019, Rebecca has recovered £17m in compensation for her clients involved in international accidents.

In September 2019, Rebecca successfully represented a New Zealand national following a tragic boat accident during the America’s Cup in Bermuda involving complex, jurisdictional, applicable law and maritime law issues.

In October 2021, Rebecca represented the claimant in Herbert v  (1) Melvyn John Lane & (2) IQUW Corporate Member Limited, securing  damages of £6.4 million for a young client who sustained a complex spinal cord injury in France including a significant provisional damages award to cover a range of rare but significant spinal complications.

Rebecca has also successfully secured a high seven-figure sum LM v (1) Mr Chiu Chu & (2) Aviva Insurance Limited for the claimant, a Korean national, who sustained a severe traumatic brain injury following a road traffic collision. The case involved securing expert evidence concerning the taxation of compensation in Korea and the Korean equivalent of a deputyship in order to obtain court approval.

In the case of AXU & others v Mutua Tenerferia Seguros Y Reaseuros A Prima FijaRebecca secured a significant sum in compensation for a family involved in a road traffic collision in Spain which involved complex arguments on the application of the ‘The Baremo’, the Spanish tariff system for calculating compensation.

Rebecca is currently representing a number of seriously injured clients and their families following accidents overseas.


  • Chambers & Partners and the Legal 500 rank Rebecca as a “Star Associate” and a “Rising Star”.
  • The Legal 500 2024 comments that ‘Rebecca Huxford is able to handle the most challenging cross-border litigation with ease.’
  • Chamber 2024 comments that “Rebecca is very smart and attentive; she really cares.”
  • Chambers 2023 quoted one client as saying: “Rebecca is a powerhouse who is brilliant at helping you navigate the legal minefield. She is incredibly detailed in her work, likeable and approachable, and always available to discuss the detail in layman’s terms.” Another said: “Rebecca is outstanding. She is a dedicated individual who goes above and beyond to ensure you get what you deserve.”
  • In previous editions Chambers & Partners and the Legal 500 have called Rebecca a “fantastic lawyer” and “an experienced catastrophic injury lawyer who is a rising star in the international personal injury world”
  • The Legal 500 comments that Rebecca is among “the next generation of superstars at Stewarts.”

Accreditations and Memberships

Rebecca is an APIL accredited Senior Litigator and Accident and Illnesses abroad specialist and a member of PEOPIL.

Publications and Media

Rebecca has had articles published in JPIL and has been a speaker at internal and external personal injury events.

Rebecca also writes for the Stewarts News blog, including client case studies such as AXV’s discussing important jurisdictional differences in compensation rates.

APIL membership: Legal Practitioner  - What does this mean?

APIL accreditation: Senior Litigator, Accidents & illnesses abroad specialist

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Rebecca Huxford
5 New Street Square
Greater London
Tel: 020 7822 8000
Injury lawyers - accredited practice