Injury lawyer details for Robert Aylott, OSBORNES LAW
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
Injury lawyer - Injury lawyer details for Robert Aylott

Tel: 07514 055053

Accident at work
Back injury
Brain injury
Claims against injury lawyers
Clinical negligence
Defective premises
Fatal accident
Head injury
Occupational disease/illness
Public liability
Road accident
Spinal cord injury
Trip or slip

Injury lawyer - senior litigator
Fatal accidents specialist lawyer

About Robert Aylott

Rob Aylott is one of the "go to" Solicitors for multi-million pound and high value claims relating to serious lower limb injuries, upper and lower limb amputation injuries, fatal accident claims and brain and spinal cord injury claims. He has specialised in motorcycle and bike claims for many years, injuries at work, public liability claims and accidents involving horses.

He is a Partner at Osbornes and holds Senior Litigator status with APIL plus the Specialist Fatal Accident Accreditation.

He is recommended by Counsel, prosthetists and case managers. He is often instructed in cases where clients are not happy with their existing Solicitors and takes cases over to achieve the best results.

Notable cases he has handled over the past 12-24 months include the following :-

H v L [2023] £300,000 lump sum settlement for the widow of a 78 year old man knocled off his bicycle in Surrey and killed.

B v Y [2023] £2,500,000 lump sum settlement for a below the knee amputee who was a Deliveroo rider knocked off of his moped in Leeds

B v  S [2023] £500,000 lump sum settlement for a lower limb and back injured Claimant who developed a pain syndrome following being knocked off of his moped in London

C v T [2023] : £5,000,000 lump sum settlement for a spinal cord T5 ASIA A paraplegic injured in a motorcycle accident.

T-v- S Plc [2022] :  £2,150,000 lump sum settlement for a 30 year old woman whop sustained a serious lower leg degloving injury in a cycling accident in Central London
R -v- F&J [2021] : £600,000.00 - lump sum settlement for a man who sustained an above elbow amputation following a horse bite to his arm. Very unusual circumstances at a stud farm. Arguments over employer's liability and strict liability under Animals Ac 1971. Contested completely throughout on liability. Case settled at a JSM a few weeks before a High Court preliminary trial on liability.

S -v- TP Plc [2021] : £400,000.00 - lump sum settlement in a Fatal Accident RTA claim for a young deceased man's 3 children, all minors. No dependency claim for the mother of the children as she had separated from deceased before the accident and he was not maintaining her but the children financially. Interesting evidence on career progression but for the accident. Minor dependency claims for other relatives. Case settled at a JSM.

V -v- H [2020} ; £1.8m lump sum settlement for a moped rider knocked off of his moped in Central London, liability compromised on a 75:25 basis due to speeding issues, serious traumatic brain injury and lower limb injuries.

S v. K  [2019]: £4.75 million settlement for a 37 year old man who suffered extensive lower limb and abdominal injuries in a workplace accident resulting in a transfemoral amputation. Primary liability was admitted but allegations of contributory negligence were pursued and resisted. As a result of ongoing complications to the stump limiting prosthetic usage, the Claimant decided to undergo osseo-integration surgery under the care of Professor Al-Muderis in Sydney, Australia. An application for an interim payment to fund such surgery was made and conceded by the Defendant at the 11th hour before a contested hearing. The surgery was successful in improving the Claimant’s prosthetic tolerance and quality of life. The case settled approximately 3 months after a failed JSM where the Defendant’s final offer was £4.2 million. During the interim period the Claimant had rejected further improved offers from the Defendant before accepting £4.75 million. The settlement included provision for O-I surgery and future medical treatment / therapies, loss of earnings, care, prosthetics and adapted single level accommodation.

D –v- Y [2019]: £2.6m lump sum settlement for a 53 year old man who sustained multiple injuries including serious lower limb injuries and a traumatic brain injury when hit on the pavement by the Defendant’s vehicle. The Claimant received a full rehabilitation package via an independent case manager and prior to settlement was moved into a new fully adapted property.

T v. D [2018]: £5,000,000 lump sum settlement for 54 year old man who sustained a below knee amputation and brachial plexus injuries in a motorcycle accident. Allegations of contributory negligence were pursued. The settlement, which was achieved  at a JSM, included provision for loss of earnings within the telecommunications industry (including a loss of chance claim), prosthetics (including the Empower limb), future care and accommodation.

APIL membership: Legal Practitioner  - What does this mean?

APIL accreditation: Senior Litigator, Fatal accidents specialist

Other memberships: Headway - The brain injury association, Spinal Injuries Association (SIA)

Languages: Limited Spanish capability

Headway solicitor

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Robert Aylott
Livery House
7-9 Pratt Street
Greater London
Tel: 07514 055053
Injury lawyers - accredited practice

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