A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

Injury lawyer details for Sarah Griggs

Injury lawyer - Injury lawyer details for Sarah Griggs

Tel: 020 7421 3996

[email protected]

Accident at work
Brain injury
Fatal accident
Head injury
Road accident
Spinal cord injury
Trip or slip

Injury lawyer - fellow
Brain injury specialist lawyer

About Sarah Griggs

I am a Partner in the Serious Injury team at Irwin Mitchell, based in the London office. I joined Irwin Mitchell in 2006 and specialise in complex cases involving life changing injuries. I have a particular specialism in traumatic brain injury.

I am accredited by APIL as a senior litigator and have gained accreditation as a brain injury specialist. In addititon to my case work I have close links with Headway, the brain injury charity and was appointed as a Trustee for Headway East London in 2013. 

I am passionate about rehabilitation and have extensive experience of securing interim payments for my clients to ensure that their rehabilitation can start as soon as possible. 

APIL membership: Legal Practitioner  - What does this mean?

APIL accreditation: Fellow, Brain Injury Specialist

Other memberships: Headway - The brain injury association, Law Society

Headway solicitor

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Sarah Griggs
40 Holborn Viaduct
Greater London
Tel: 020 7421 3996
Injury lawyers - accredited practice

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