02392 552843
[email protected]
Accident at work
Back injury
Beauty treatment
Brain injury
Clinical negligence
Defective products
Fatal accident
Head injury
Occupational disease/illness
Public liability
Road accident
Spinal cord injury
Trip or slip
About Tracy Hunns-Clarke
Tracy has over 25 years’ experience and specialises in clinical negligence and personal injury claims.
Tracy's clinical negligence experience includes handling complex, high value claims against Hospital Trusts, General Practitioners and other organisations, where claimants have suffered severe physical and psychological trauma as a result of either mismanaged labour resulting in Cerebral Palsy, misdiagnosis/mismanaged care and claims involving fatalities.
Tracy has also dealt with many claims for road traffic accidents, accidents at work, many of which have resulted in permanent ongoing injuries, slipping/tripping incidents and industrial disease cases.
Tracy supports claimants to achieve early treatment and rehabilitation resulting in maximum compensation awards providing for the cost of care, treatment and equipment needed to enable them to move forward with their lives.
Examples of how Tracy has helped clients include:
- She acted for a young lady who suffered Cerebral Palsy as a result of mis-managed labour. The claim settled in excess of £2 million four weeks before trial together with an additional amount by way of periodical payments for the remainder of her life.
- She acted for the family of a gentleman whom the NHS failed to recall for follow up Gastroscopy following a diagnosis of Barrett’s Oesophagus, sadly with a fatal outcome. The claim settled in excess of £300,000 without having to go to Court.
- She acted for a man who suffered Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome as a result of working with air tools for many years. The employers strenuously fought the case which settled only days before trial. The client received a significant sum in damages.
- She acted for a lady who was involved in a road traffic accident who suffered a head injury with associated tinnitus and loss of hearing. Tracy was able to secure appropriate treatment to allow the client to move on whilst at the same time obtaining a respectable settlement for the Claimant.
- She handled a case for the family of an elderly gentleman who had been sectioned to hospital under the Mental Health Act. Regrettably the hospital failed in their duty of care to adequately risk assess and the Claimant suffered a fall, causing an injury to his head whilst in their care. Unfortunately the Claimant later died from the head related injuries and the matter was ultimately settled in the Claimant’s favour.
- She acted for a lady who fell on a green near to her property. The Claimant stepped onto a barked area to take a seat but the level of bark had dropped causing the Claimant to fall and break her hip. Liability was strenuously denied by the Defendants. The claim was complicated by the fact that the Claimant passed away before the claim could be settled and the matter then had to be dealt with on behalf of her estate. Proceedings were issued, following which the Defendants made an offer to settle.
- She acted for a man who sustained an injury at work during the course of his employment, whereby his arm had become caught in the hydraulic arms of a skip lorry. The Claimant’s muscle had been squashed to the bone and he suffered permanent nerve damage to the radial nerve together with associated muscle wastage.
- She acted for a man in resect of mismagement of Multiple Myeloma resulting in return of cancer in the neck and destruction of vertebrae.
- She acted for a man who had suffered Failure at the hands of his GP who failed to recognise that he was patient presenting with symptoms of a heart attack. The Claimant suffered damage to the vessels and underwent stent treatment.
Ongoing matters in early stages of investigation:
- Failure on the part of the GP/NHS to diagnose a tumour and incorrectly treated as a DVT.
- Mismanaged labour, leading to the death of a young baby
- Cerebral palsy caused as a result of mismanaged pregnancy.
APIL membership:
Legal Practitioner
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APIL accreditation:
Senior Litigator
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Tracy Hunns-Clarke
87 London Road
Tel: 02392 552843