A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

Beauty treatment compensation lawyers - Stevenage

Beauty treatments require skill, and involve the use of chemicals, but there is very little legislative requirement for beauticians and hairdressers to be properly trained in order to perform such treatments on the public. Consumers are at risk of permanent scarring, allergic reactions, and chemical burns, as well as a psychological impact.

If you have suffered an injury during a beauty or hairdressing treatment, you may be able to make a claim for compensation. Only beauty treatment compensation lawyers are listed on this page.

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Mr Edward Lewis of GARDEN HOUSE SOLICITORS in Hertford
I specialise in Claimant multi-track personal injury and clinical negligence claims.  I have many years of experience dealing with all areas of personal injury and clinical negligence including recently working on the Grenfell Tower Fire Disaster multi-party litigation. I also have experience of of having worked for defendant clinical negligence insurers/solicitors at NHS Resolution and their panel firm, Browne Jacobson, the Ministry of Defence defending military clinical...
Distance: 9 miles
Personal injury - Senior Litigator
  (what is a Litigator?)

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