A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

Defective premises - landlords - Harrogate

Landlords, housing associations and local authorities have a responsibility to ensure their properties are properly maintained and safe for you, your family and visitors. If you’ve had and accident or suffered an illness whilst on someone else’s premises you may be entitled to compensation. Only specialist defective premises lawyers are listed on this page.

Only specialist defective premises compensation lawyers are listed on this page.

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Miss Sally Rissbrook of MINSTER LAW SOLICITORS in Wakefield
Distance: 23 miles
Personal injury - Senior Litigator
Miss Bethany Sanders of LEIGH DAY in Leeds
Bethany qualified as a solicitor in July 2008, having completed her training in a niche London firm. She joined Leigh Day in November 2013 after having worked at Irwin Mitchell since qualification.  Bethany became a Partner at Leigh Day in April 2020. Bethany specialises in high value serious injury claims, including brain and spinal injury, amputee claims and fatal accidents.  She has represented many clients who have sustained life-changing injuries,...
Distance: 13 miles
Brain injury lawyer Personal injury - Senior Litigator
Mr Mark Irlam of MEWIES SOLICITORS in Skipton
A solicitor who obtains compensation and early rehabilitation for those injured in accidents that are not their fault. I have dealt with claims from small whiplash type cases to those who have suffered with severe injuries. Dealing with all types of personal injury and clinical negligence matters. Representing injured people who have suffered orthopaedic injuries, whiplash, brain injury, spinal injury, amputation, fibromyalgia, chronic pain and other injuries. Getting you what you...
Distance: 20 miles
Personal injury - Senior Litigator
  (what is a Litigator?)

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