A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

Public liability compensation lawyers - Brighton

Public liability claims can be made by a member of the public (such as customer, a supplier, or a passer-by) who has suffered injury or property damage as a result of the activities of an individual or business. ‘Public liability’ describes the type of insurance which would cover the claim being made. Most businesses and owners of premises to which the public may have access will take out public liability insurance, but it is not compulsory. Many house insurance policies also include public liability cover.

Only specialist public liability compensation lawyers are listed on this page.

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Mrs Samantha Dawkins of EDWARD HARTE SOLICITORS in Brighton
A dynamic member of our team, Samantha Dawkins is a commercial and civil law litigator. She is also a Senior accredited Litigator with the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL). Samantha studied Economic and Social History at Leicester University. She then continued her studies at the University of Northumbria where she graduated with a Post Graduate Diploma in law, followed by the Bar Vocational Course. Having travelled the world, Samantha returned to the UK and worked as an...
Distance: Less than one mile
Personal injury - Senior Litigator
Mr Malcolm James Neale Dickson of GREEN WRIGHT CHALTON ANNIS SOLICITORS in Steyning
Distance: 10 miles
Personal injury - Senior Litigator
Mr Jonathan Clement of CL MEDILAW in Brighton
Jonathan Clement is a Partner with CL Medilaw in Crawley, Sussex and Maidstone, Kent Jonathan is passionate about his work and the rights of his clients. His focus is on ensuring that they are sufficiently compensated for their injuries to facilitate their rehabilitation and provide security in the long-term. He regularly provides expert opinion and comments to the media. Jonathan is a Fellow of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL), an APIL accredited...
Distance: Less than one mile
Brain injury lawyer Personal injury - Fellow
Ms Frances Pierce of DEAN WILSON SOLICITORS LLP in Brighton
Frances Pierce is a solicitor and Head of Department in Dean Wilson LLP Solicitors Personal & Medical Injury Team. She is known for her sympathetic and ethical approach and leaves no stone unturned to achieve maximum damages for her clients. Her work involves fatal accidents, severe brain and spinal injury, amputees and multiple injuries as well as severe post traumatic stress disorder. Frances has extensive experience of obtaining large awards for compensation through negotiation, court...
Distance: 1 mile
Personal injury - Fellow
  (what is a Litigator?)

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