A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

House of Lords urged to ban nuisance cold calls

13 Sep 2017
APIL news

Peers must seize an opportunity today to put an end to the scourge of cold calls and texts by personal injury claims management firms, say lawyers.

“51 million* calls and texts are received in the UK from regulated claims management companies encouraging people to make personal injury claims,” said Brett Dixon, president of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL).

“This is a chance for peers to put that right. They can support an amendment to the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill which would finally put into legislation the end of unsolicited touting for claims,” he explained.

The amendment is due for debate in the House of Lords on Wednesday**.

“The Ministry of Justice says the majority of nuisance calls and spam texts come from illegal, unregulated firms. But data from the Information Commissioner’s Office shows that regulated claims management firms are responsible for millions of these calls and texts about personal injury claims. They can and should be stopped. We hope that the opportunity is not lost.

“Not only are calls and texts a huge public bugbear, they give the impression that easy money is to be made, which in turn gives rise to fraudulent attempts to receive compensation. It is a tasteless and intrusive practice,” he said.


Notes to editors:

  • *Figures calculated by APIL using data from Information Commissioner’s Office and research by economists Oxera.
  • **Baroness Altmann has tabled the amendment. See the relevant document on the parliament website here (page 3, amendment 73): https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/lbill/2017-2019/0001/18001-IV.pdf
  • APIL (Association of Personal Injury Lawyers) is a not-for-profit organisation whose members are dedicated to campaigning for improvements in the law to help people who are injured or become ill through no fault of their own.
  • For more information contact APIL's press and communications officers Jane Hartwell on t: 0115 943 5416, m: 07808 768623, e: [email protected], or Lizzy Freeman t: 0115 943 5431, e: [email protected].
  • Visit the association's website at www.apil.org.uk.
  • • Follow @APIL on Twitter: www.twitter.com/APIL.

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