A Doncaster solicitor has taken the top role at a national not-for-profit campaign organisation for injured people.
John McQuater, a director of Switalskis Solicitors Ltd and Head of Litigation at Atherton Godfrey, is now president of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL). John recently celebrated 40 years at Atherton Godfrey, which is now part of the Switalskis Solicitors Group (with branches across the Yorkshire region).
“I’m really pleased to have the opportunity to bring to the association my four decades of experience in representing injured people,” said John, who has particular expertise in brain injury and fatal injury claims, as well as claims for people who suffer negligent patient care.
“Being part of APIL offers a chance to work collaboratively with lawyers up and down the country whose focus is on delivering the best possible help to injured people,” he said.
“It’s a challenging time because of proposed legal reforms which could reduce the compensation people need to put their lives back on track when they’ve suffered an injury. APIL will continue to be an important voice speaking out for those who need to be heard. injured people need a voice, need representation, and need redress,” John explained.
“It’s exciting to take the helm and contribute to APIL’s campaigns, which can make a real difference to the lives of injured individuals and their families.”
Current APIL campaigns include calls for an overhaul of the law on bereavement compensation in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, which is out of step with modern family relationships. Many relations, including step-parents and grandchildren, are denied statutory damages when their loved one is wrongfully killed.
APIL is also campaigning for a solution to the patient safety crisis in the NHS. It proposes the appointment of a Patient Safety Commissioner with a wide remit of providing strategic coordination and an over-arching link between patients, regulators, healthcare providers and policymakers.