A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

Maggie Sargent

Maggie Sargent began her career as a Registered General Nurse and trained at St Thomas’s Hospital, London.   Over 30 years she has acquired considerable experience in providing expert evidence on the costs of caring for clients with complex needs.

During her career, Maggie has published papers on many aspects of Brain Injury Case Management in the community. She also lectures at seminars across the country on costs of care both in the public and private sectors.

She has held a number of positions and directorships in this specialised field: Nursing Adviser on the advisory board for Headway National and a life member. Maggie is also an advanced member of BABICM for clients who have suffered traumatic brain injury, as well as being on the council. And has been a director on the board of CMSUK.

Maggie Sargent herself has given evidence in over 60 cases and you can see a selection of these judgements by clicking here.  Copies of others can be provided by our office.

Today, Maggie combines preparing expert witness reports with working as the director of a national care consultancy and case management company that offers case management services for clients with profound disability (www.ccmservices.co.uk).

Maggie Sargent is a founding trustee of Shipston Home Nursing and an adviser to the Calvert Trust. She is also the coordinator for the Bristol/Bath, and Oxford groups of the Silverlining.