Detailed assessment usually takes place after attempts at settlement of costs have failed and there are some major differences between the parties.
Relatively few litigators have experience of attending a detailed assessment and of the difficulties that can flow. This webinar looks at the steps that litigators should take to assist their client’s case when costs are being assessed, not just from at the assessment itself but from the outset. It looks at what happens in a detailed assessment and what steps litigators should take from the start of the case to assessment to maximise recovery. The solicitor’s conduct of the case will be closely examined and, on occasion, every item scrutinised in detail.
The webinar uses examples from reported cases to show where failures and omissions by the receiving party has led to their not recovering costs, or led to costs being substantially reduced.
- What happens at a detailed assessment?
- Where can things go wrong on assessment?
- Why time records and attendance notes matter
- What is the judge considering when assessing costs?
- What is the costs judge looking at?
- What is the costs judge looking for?
- Strategies – from the start of a case – for keeping the costs judge happy
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