A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

Respiratory diseases compensation lawyers - Coventry

Accredited Occupational Disease Specialists

Occupational disease specialist

APIL has a specialist accreditation for occupational disease claims. If an APIL member’s profile displays the specialist accreditation logo it shows that they have achieved a particularly high standard of expertise and competence and that they actually specialise in this area of the law. However, due to the specialised nature of this accreditation we may not have a member with specialist accreditation in your area.

Only accredited members appear on the public search facility. If an APIL member's profile does not display the occupational disease specialist logo they will still be accredited at one of the general levels offered by APIL, having satisfied APIL's specific and extensive criteria by providing evidence of their competency and experience in handling personal injury claims.

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Iain is a Senior Associate Solicitor specialising in asbestos related disease claims at national personal injury firm Irwin Mitchell LLP.  In particular he specialises in assisting those who have mesothelioma and their families. In addition, Iain acts for those suffering with asbestos related lung cancer and has particular expertise in claims for pleural thickening and asbestosis.  Iain's practice focusses on acting on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis for...
Distance: 17 miles
Occupational disease lawyer Asbestos disease lawyer Personal injury legal practice Personal injury - Senior Litigator
Mr Paul Glanville of THE ASBESTOS LAW PARTNERSHIP LLP in Birmingham
I am a solicitor and partner at  The Asbestos Law Partnership based in Birmingham and Yorkshire. This firm is the only firm in the UK that acts exclusively for asbestos disease victims. All the solicitors in the firm are APIL accredited Asbestos Specialists. I have acted for asbestos disease sufferers since 1990 and was previously managing partner at John Pickering and Partners and  Head of Industrial Disease at Slater & Gordon UK. I specialise in claims on behalf of...
Distance: 17 miles
Occupational disease lawyer Asbestos disease lawyer Personal injury - Fellow
I am a Senior Associate Solicitor specialising in claims on behalf of people who have been affected by asbestos related illnesses, particularly assisting sufferers of, and the families of those affected by, the asbestos related cancer, mesothelioma.  I have achieved a number of noteworthy settlements in cases where there has been limited exposure to asbestos, including cases brought on behalf of a number of prison officers and policeman.  I have significant experience of...
Distance: 17 miles
Occupational disease lawyer Asbestos disease lawyer Personal injury legal practice Personal injury - Senior Litigator
Mr Steven Baylis of AFFINITY LAW LLP in Leicester
I have over 20 years experience of personal injury work and have dealt with numerous complex high value cases. A number of cases I have conducted have settled for damages well in excess of £1million. As a result I have built up strong relationships with rehabilitation experts; case managers; nursing care experts; occupational therapists; architects; property finders; and medical experts in numerous disciplines. I have dealt with various claims involving: serious brain injuries; spinal...
Distance: 23 miles
Personal injury - Senior Litigator
I am a Solicitor in our market-leading International Serious Injury team in Birmingham. I have particular experience in group actions against UK-based tour operators. I handle claims which involve illness outbreaks on cruise vessels and outbreaks of illnesses, such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, Norovirus, Cryptosporidium, E-Coli and Legionnaires’ disease, at hotels. I also handle Public Health claims relating to illness outbreaks in the UK, and allergy cases. I have worked on...
Distance: 17 miles
Personal injury legal practice Personal injury - Senior Litigator
  (what is a Litigator?)

Your employer has a duty to provide you with a safe working environment and to protect you from injury. Unfortunately, every year thousands of employees develop occupational diseases. These illnesses can have severe consequences affecting ability to work and quality of life.

If you have an occupational disease you should not feel embarrassed or reluctant about making a claim. You have the right to seek compensation. Occupational disease compensation can help ease your suffering and help to restore your former quality of life.

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