A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

Fixed Recoverable Costs Conference 2024

All levels - 6 hours

(Please note that the number of CPD hours may be subject to change)

  • Pay for five delegates and get one additional place for free^

    To take advantage of this offer, please return your completed booking form with all six names or contact the APIL office - [email protected]

    ^Cheapest place to be free of charge

Morning programme - Open to both APIL members and non-members

Principles, Impact and Future of Fixed Recoverable Costs

The morning conference will give a high level view which will help practitioners to understand the reason behind the extension to fixed recoverable costs.

This half day session will provide an understanding, from distinguished speakers and opinion formers, on the thinking behind fixed costs and the impact - for both claimants and defendants - of the extension of fixed recoverable costs. We will also look at 'The future' with a particular emphasis on the next steps for a digital justice system; the role of dispute resolution and the forthcoming recommendations from the Civil Justice Council on pre-action protocols.

We are honoured to welcome The Right Honourable Lord Justice Birss to the Marriott Marble Arch Hotel, London to give the keynote address at this exclusive in-person event. 

Afternoon session - APIL members only:

Practicalities, Tactics and Know-How for Working in a Fixed Costs Environment

APIL members are also invited to book the afternoon training session, which is a practical session - run by Brett Dixon and John McQuater - offering vital tips and tactics on how to deal with the new regime.  

This afternoon session will look at more of the detail for practitioners on a practical and tactical level, considering the general to the specific: What the extension of fixed recoverable costs means day-to-day for practitioners and how to future-proof practices.

Cost per delegate:

Corporate accredited firm: £349 + VAT
APIL member: £349 + VAT
Non-member: £250 + VAT

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