A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

Preparing trial and application bundles: A litigator’s survival guide

All levels - 1 hour

(Please note that the number of CPD hours may be subject to change)

""What is the point of handling a claim for a couple of years and then failing to present it well to the court? You are selling yourself short and doing a disservice to your client.”"

In Serra -v- Harvey [2024] EWHC 2250 (KB) wasted costs were ordered on an indemnity basis against the claimant’s solicitors because the lateness and condition of the trial bundles. The bundles were described as “haphazard”.

Bundles are often the source of judicial complaint and comment.  A good bundle can help a trial or application run smoothly.  Poor bundles can lead to delay, frustration and – as the case of Serra shows – wasted costs.

This webinar looks at:

  • Why bundles are important
  • What a bundle says about you...
  • The rules for preparing bundles for applications
  • The rules for trial bundles
  • The rules for bundles on the assessment of costs
  • Are the costs of preparing bundles recoverable?
  • Useful guidance and hints for the preparation of bundles
  • Avoiding judicial ire: Judges' criticism of bundles
  • Useful links on the preparation of bundles


1 person - member/accredited firm: £85 + VAT
1 person - non-member: £115 + VAT
Small office (2 - 6 people): £150 + VAT
Large office (7 people or more): £185 + VAT
Whole organisation (All staff at all offices): £375 + VAT

Live or on-demand

We encourage all attendees to watch the webinar live - this gives people the opportunity to ask questions and participate in polls.

All people registered for the webinar will automatically be emailed details to view the online recording following the webinar, whether you view live or not. Recordings are available to view for up to six months.

Live webinar
04 Dec 2024
12:00 to 13:00

On-demand recording
From 04 Dec 2024 to 04 Jun 2025